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Click to view product details and reviews for Triton Superjaws Xxl Portable Clamping System Sja100xl 799226.

Triton superjaws xxl portable clamping system sja100xl 799226

Unfortunately we only have a limited amount of information about this product, visit the supplier's website for more.

Price: £231.94Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Welding Magnet Clamp Adjustable 114 X 50mm Faimagwca.

The faithfull adjustable magnetic welding clamp, also known as an 'adjustable links magnet', is a type of welding clamp where each magnet can be completely rotated'. '.strtoupper('t')he 2 magnets can be adjusted to hold ferrous metal workpieces at an...

Price: £28.40Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Xv3 50 Varioclippix Xv Spring Clamp 55mm Besxv350.

The bessey varioclippix xv spring clamps offer variable clamping force and are perfect for gluing, clamping and securing objects'. '.strtoupper('t')hey feature soft, anti slip ergonomic handles that offer quick and easy one handed operation'. '.strto...

Price: £10.38Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Xv5 100 Varioclippix Xv Spring Clamp 100mm Besxv5100.

The bessey varioclippix xv spring clamps offer variable clamping force and are perfect for gluing, clamping and securing objects'. '.strtoupper('t')hey feature soft, anti slip ergonomic handles that offer quick and easy one handed operation'. '.strto...

Price: £11.70Details | Purchase

Click to view product details and reviews for Xv5 170 Varioclippix Xv Spring Clamp 170mm Besxv5170.

The bessey varioclippix xv spring clamps offer variable clamping force and are perfect for gluing, clamping and securing objects'. '.strtoupper('t')hey feature soft, anti slip ergonomic handles that offer quick and easy one handed operation'. '.strto...

Price: £12.53Details | Purchase

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Party and Costume - Product Search and Price Comparison - For your Special Occasion or Function