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Shadow Warrior 3 Definitive Edition Playstation 4

Shadow Warrior 3 Definitive Edition Playstation 4


Available from  Cazaar


Product details - Experience the definitive edition of shadow warrior 3, an ultraviolent blend of fast paced gunplay, razor sharp melee combat, and a spectacular free running movement through a mythical japanese realm'. '.strtoupper('t')est your skills in survival mode, new game plus, and hardcore mode, and watch out for that dragon'! '.strtoupper('f')allen corporate shogun lo wang and his former nemesis orochi zilla return in shadow warrior 3, the latest entry in the gore soaked, wisecracking fps series'. '.strtoupper('e')mbark on an improbable mission to recapture an ancient dragon lo wang unwittingly unleashed from its eternal prison, tearing your way through a fractured land infested with demons using a dynamic arsenal of blades and bullets'. '.strtoupper('n')ew features include new game plus, bringing with it additional challenges, weapons skins, and rewards survival mode, allowing you to put your skills to the test against waves of incoming enemies, a new hero mode game modifier offering an even greater challenge chapter select for rapid replayability and finally, hardcore difficulty the most intensely punishing version of shadow warrior yet'! '.strtoupper('f')eatures bring a katana to a gunfightconduct a symphony of death with each encounter by mixing overwhelming firepower with devastatingly precise katana strikes as you dash in and around the demonic hordes'. '.strtoupper('e')xecute then annihilateexecute spectacular finishing moves to claim a piece of your conquered foe and unleash its powers back on the horde in a burst of unstoppable fury and powerful magic'. '.strtoupper('d')ynamic combat arenaseach environment is lined with hazardous structures and devices that can be activated to add another layer of creative choice to the offensive strategy'. '.strtoupper('n')eo feudal japantrek across a mythic asian land infused with the magic and technology of ancient samurai, now overrun by the demonic yokai from japanese folklore'. '.strtoupper('f')unny businessbrace for expertly delivered one liners from lo wang, pointed banter with zilla, and an intense thrillride of absurd predicaments on the way to turning doomsday into a new day'. '.strtoupper('m')ore plus, all the updates and patches with several new features and modes included in disc step up your lo wang game'! '.strtoupper('s')urvival mode is a completely new mode that allows playing on 3 new arenas providing hours of new gameplay'! '.strtoupper('o')n top of that, 3 new weapon skins will be up for grabs for those who manage to complete the challenge'! '.strtoupper('s')urvival mode becomes available after finishing the game'! '.strtoupper('r')elive magical moments'! '.strtoupper('c')hapter selection lets you replay all the missions that defined your adventure with lo wang'! '.strtoupper('g')ive lo wang’s mojo some additional pazzazz'! '.strtoupper('n')ew game plus gives you additional challenges, rewards, and skins to give lo wang that much needed confidence boost'! '.strtoupper('g')o vulgar or go home'! '.strtoupper('t')he new hardcore difficulty lets you experience the most intensely punishing version of shadow warrior yet'! '.strtoupper('n')ot for the faint hearted'. '.strtoupper('l')ose a life, lose a save put your skills to the test in the brand new hero mode, a challenging modifier allowing you to play with a limited number of lives and earn more of them by performing spectacular finishers'. '.strtoupper('r')un out, and your progress is lost forever'. '.strtoupper('t')railer

Cazaar -

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