Toy Galaxy Hama Beads The Complete Selection - 1000 Beads in Bag (50th Anniversary Exclusive Mix 2)
Estimated Delivery Thursday, Jun 06
Estimated Delivery Thursday, Jun 06
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  • 2,000 beads in an assortment of colours
  • Hama 50th Anniversary Beads in bag
  • A special mix of colours brought together to celebrate 50 years of Fuse Beads.
  • Perfect for making rings, key chains, 3D designs, character art, accessories, and many more. It’s also a great learning tool for the kids, allowing them to identify colors. Hama Fuse Beads are the most popular bead size and each bead measures at 5mm.
  • EASY TO PLAY: Beads are small, heat activated beads that you can lay on a mat to create interesting patterns. Then, after you apply heat, the beads will fuse together creating your design into a single work of art.
  • Hama Beads Help Children Develop For young children, Hama Beads are a learning tool, which is not true of all toys.
  • Create great designs which can be fused together to keep forever.

The 50th Anniversary Beads in bag contains approx. 2,000 beads in an assortment of colours (1-white, 2-cream, 5-red, 43-pastel yellow, 48-pastel pink, 79-apricot, 82-plum, 83-petrol blue, 95-pastel rose, 96-paste llilac, 97-pastel ice blue, 98-pastel mint) Hama's aim has always been to encourage creativity and imagination in children and adults alike. These colourful beads are arranged on pegboards to form patterns and then fused together with a iron. Hama Midi beads are the most popular bead size and each bead measures at 5mm.

SKU: DKL 7104


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