Guy Saget Sauvignon Blanc + Corkscrew engraved Happy Birthday
Estimated Delivery Tuesday, Jun 04
Estimated Delivery Tuesday, Jun 04
(Order within 5 hours)
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Dispatched and sold from Cellar Wine Shop
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You will be purchasing this wonderful bottle of premium wine along with an engraved gift message waiters friend cork screw and multi use bottle opener. This French Sauvignon Blanc wine by Guy Saget is a fantastic white wine at a great price and arrives with this engraved photoframe. Fresh and fruity, a truly fantastic sauvignon blanc white wine. Cellar Gifting have a wide range of wine gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas or just to say thank you!This White Wine gift comes packaged securely for express delivery. Cheers!

You can also engrave the bottle, add gift boxes, tags and accessories by using our gift builder.


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