GATÃO Vinho Verde + 'Thank you' Gift
Estimated Delivery Tuesday, Jun 04
Estimated Delivery Tuesday, Jun 04
(Order within 2 hours)
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Portuguese Wine Thank you Gift - you will be purchasing 1 x 750ml bottle of Gatão Vinho Verde White wine inside an engraved gift box. In a region, Vinho Verde, tempered by the influence of the Atlantic, where any landscape remains green in the middle of summer, emerges a wine with a freshness and smoothness without compare. A winner of many wine awards, this Portuguese 'green wine' is a must try. Tasting Notes - Clear, light yellow. Slightly petillant. Young and fruity. Delicate and smooth, fresh and fruity. It is medium-dry wine to be drunk young. Portuguese green wine region Vinho Verde is famous for this type of wine and Gatão is the perfect example of why. Gatão is a fresh and smooth wine; young, fun and daring. A gentle wine, that reflects and leads to a good frame of mind. An ideal day-to-day wine that refreshes the spirit with its natural freshness. Cellar Gifting have a wide range of wine gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas or just to say thank you!

You can also engrave the bottle, add gift boxes, tags and accessories by using our gift builder.


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